The pale; the passion and the moves tom got were simply magnificent. Handling the great pressure, verse the judge denzel well done. but still quite not fond of the so call american spirit that sort of hokum.
6.20.2023 片中的亲王实在是一个耐人寻味的角色他的行动与他的思想有时并不能兼容但是他最想要的还是家乡与家庭而与他相反的阿兰·德龙看中的却是机遇虽然讲的是19世纪的故事但是很符合60年代年轻人垮掉的一代的价值观老一辈与新生儿的交替“O faithful star, when will you give me an appointment less ephemeral, far from all this, in your own region of perennial certitude?” “For things to remain the same, everything must change.” PS: 把近亲结婚和意大利统一对比到一块儿太聪明了