Bury me beside you, I have no hope in solitude. And the world will follow to the earth, down below. But I came and I was nothing. And time will give us nothing. So why did you choose to lean on a man you knew was falling? Mumford&Sons-Enemy
没有给出更多的解决方式 总结一下 1. 像五分钟在做 2. mental and physical plan 3. 不要出发trigger 4. award of not doing 后面看到这个评论 也觉得不错 版权归作者所有任何形式转载请联系作者 作者:夏日的小西瓜(来自豆瓣) 来源:https://movie.douban.com/review/12145088/ 忍不住盲目购物的欲望时问自己六个问题: 1. Why am I here ? 2. How do I feel ? 3. Do I need this ? 4. What if I wait ? 5. How will I pay for it ? 6. Where will I p